The Daikin Homestay Program gives area high school juniors the opportunity to travel to Osaka, Japan, and stay with Japanese host families who help to introduce them to their culture and traditions. Over the course of 10 days, the students – all from Lawrence and Morgan counties – are immersed […]
Author: Editor
Daikin Festival Hopes for 2023 Return
Each year in May, beginning in 1994, DAI employees produced a Japanese Festival in the style of Bon Odori for their North Alabama neighbors. Every year, that is, until the pandemic made it impossible in 2020. With continuing high case counts, the 2022 Festival has been canceled, as well, but […]
Why My Safety Tree Is Important
by Amanda Wyrick, PTFE Finishing Operator When I started working at Daikin in 2013, I had never worked in a plant before. I had previously worked in service, mostly retail. I was excited and nervous to start a new career. Going through the pre-employment training classes, we learned about all […]
How Daikin Products Help Make Life Better
Without the kind of products Daikin makes, modern life as we know it would not be possible. You couldn’t fly from Phoenix to Denver, drive your car, use the Internet or smartphone, have certain medical procedures and surgeries, or use some of your favorite outdoor gear. Take air travel, for […]
Daikin Volunteers Rally to Help Kentucky Storm Victims
On December 10, 2021, the deadliest tornado outbreak on record for the month of December produced catastrophic damage and dozens of fatalities across the Southern U.S. and Ohio Valley. One of the most violent tornadoes ravaged the Kentucky towns of Mayfield, Bremen, Princeton, and Dawson Springs, leaving a storm track […]
Daikin Employees Put Gifts Under 50 Angel Trees
A group of Daikin Employees gave Santa a helping hand again this year, donating the gifts for 50 “Angels” this holiday season. Volunteers worked with the Salvation Army, which picked up the donations and delivered them to children within the community who otherwise might not be paid a visit from […]
Volunteers Host Christmas Party for Terrell Industries
Volunteers from Daikin’s Decatur plant provided a Christmas party for the employees and staff of Terrell Industries at their Hartselle workshop this week. Daikin Employees served a lunch of pizza, soft drinks, cookies and festive candy canes to help everyone get into the Christmas spirit. Terrell Industries is a non-profit […]
Daikin Employee’s Blood Donations Save Many Lives
Over the last three years, employees at Daikin’s Decatur facility have donated enough blood to save more than 700 lives, based on estimates provided by LifeSouth Community Blood Centers. Each unit of whole blood has the potential to save as many as three lives. A total of 243 units of […]
Managers Honor Employees With Appreciation Breakfast
In November of 2021, managers at the Daikin Decatur facility carried out a company tradition: preparing and serving a hearty breakfast for the employees. The breakfast is a special way of thanking the employees for their efforts in achieving a safe and successful maintenance shutdown each year. The Employee Appreciation […]
Daikin Volunteers Provide Snacks for Healthcare Heroes
Healthcare workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic received a special treat when Daikin volunteers donated snacks and food items to the employees at Decatur-Morgan’s three hospital campuses at Main, Parkway, and West. The snacks covered all snack stations on all floors for all shifts at each campus […]
Polymer Development Wins President’s Award
Recently, the technical center held a celebration to share the news of one of the latest Daikin President’s award recipients. The Presidential award is given out to groups or individuals who have shown great achievements within Daikin. A new polymer development program for the wire and cable market led by […]
Safety Employee of the Year Decorates Her Safety Tree
When Amanda Wyrick, a Daikin FTFE Finishing Operator in Decatur, won the Safety Employee of the Month award in 2017, she was thrilled. The prize was a cordless impact drill, which she wanted to win in order to donate it to her area. Just a few months later, Amanda was […]
Daikin America Contest Inspires Art Masterpieces
For twenty-eight years, the Daikin America Art Contest has been inspiring young artists and giving them the tools they need to realize their artistic visions. Beginning in 1994, Daikin has provided fifth-grade art students in the Decatur School system with canvas, paint, brushes, and other supplies. Each year the students […]
Daikin in Decatur Is Finalist for Manufacturer of the Year
Daikin America’s Decatur operations have been named a Finalist in this year’s Manufacturer of the Year award from the Business Council of Alabama. The company, which competed with all manufacturers in the state with 500 or more employees, was recognized in an October 1, 2021 ceremony in Montgomery. Ross Ringler, […]
Golf Tournament Continues Quarter-Century Tradition
More than 100 area companies joined hands with Daikin America as it hosted its 25th annual charity golf tournament to support United Way of Morgan County this week. The Robert Trent Jones Golf Course at Hampton Cove was the setting, as 128 golfers squared off in a scramble-style tournament on […]
United Way Day of Caring Draws Daikin Volunteers
A dedicated group of Daikin employees in Decatur volunteered for the United Way of Morgan County’s annual Day of Caring on September 14, 2021. The employees pressure-washed concrete areas, painted handrails, trimmed shrubs, and did general clean up in and around the Hospice of the Valley in Decatur. Hospice of […]
Safety Meetings Adapt For Social Distancing
The job of Safety Manager at Daikin Decatur is a heavy responsibility. Add in a global pandemic and the task requires even more diligence than normal. Safety meetings at Daikin are now arranged to provide for adequate social distancing, as seen here. The safety practices at the plant have prevented […]
Daikin Hosts “Neighbors Night” at Decatur Facility
Daikin America, Inc. believes strongly in being a good neighbor in every community where it does business. At Dakin in Decatur, we’ve created a special annual event to help ensure that we are always a good neighbor. It’s called “Neighbor’s Night,” and it brings together Daikin managers, employees, civic leaders […]
Volunteers Build Ramps for Disabled Neighbors
A dedicated group of Daikin employees came together to give back to the community we work in by building a wheelchair ramp for a woman in need. Tabitha, a Decatur woman that is diabetic and recently had to have her leg amputated, was having problems safely getting out of her […]
Daikin Celebrates Decade of Mental Health Involvement
Since 2007, the Mental Health Association in Morgan County has been sponsored in part by Daikin. The Mental Health Association is a non-profit organization that develops many programs and services related to the mission of promoting mental health, preventing mental illness, and advocating for the improved care and treatment of […]